
Metrics for Climate Transition and Net-Zero GHGs in Finance

Registration (event in english)

Participate online in a workshop hosted by the OECD and organized with ADEME and the Finance Climact Project!

Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement (PA) calls for “making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate-resilient development”, thus recognising the critical role played by finance in meeting climate policy goals. Measuring progress towards this goal requires the development of relevant indicators and assessments, for both the financial sector and underlying real economy assets, actors, and investments.


12:30 to 13:00Opening Session – Importance of environmental integrity in climate-related assessments of finance

13:00 to 15:00 Session 1: Metrics and indicators supporting net zero for different financial assets

15:00 to 15:15Break

15:15 to 16:45 Session 2: Aggregate and complementary metrics at the level of financial portfolios and financial centres

16:45 to 17:45Session 3: Frameworks and coordination to strengthen the credibility and integrity of net zero tracking and climate alignment initiatives

17:45 to 18:00Wrap up and closing remarks

18:00 to 19:30Cocktail