• France, a pioneer in impact finance

    Today, an initiative on impact finance led by the Paris Financial Center was launched by Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery, and Olivia Grégoire, Minister of State for Social, Inclusive and Responsible Economy, together with Thierry Déau, Chair of Finance for Tomorrow.

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  • Progress on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

    New endorsements underscore progress on climate-related financial disclosures on the five-year anniversary of the Paris Agreement

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    Declaration of Place: one year anniversary

    A year after its joint declaration on green and sustainable finance, the Paris financial centre takes stock of the latest advances

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    Finance ClimAct: Mobilization for an action plan on sustainable finance

    18 million ClimAct projects within the Life program led by ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) brings together the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF), the French Prudential Control and Resolution Authority, the 2nd Degree Investing Initiative (2°ii), the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE), Finance for Tomorrow (F4T) and Greenflex. The objective is to make France a "demonstrator" market for climate finance in Europe.