
COP16 – Finance and Biodiversity Day

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Finance and Biodiversity Day
Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the CBD
October 28th 2024
Room Malpelo (Blue Zone) 
Cali, Colombia 

A one-day event to mobilize a globally representative group of finance sector participants in support of delivering GBF Goal D and associated targets in line with countries’ NBSAP priorities.
Today’s rate of biodiversity erosion creates material and systemic risks for the global financial landscape and financial organizations. The financial sector (public and private) has a critical role in aligning financial flows and mobilizing financial resources in support of the vision of the GBF and its effective implementation, in particular on GBF goal D and targets 14, 15, 18, and 19.  Active engagement of financial sector participants in the implementation of the GBF is a source of opportunities for financial organizations to support, invest in, and benefit from more systematic and integrated consideration of biodiversity in their policies, strategies, and business. Showcasing voluntary action as a lever to encourage policymakers.